Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Brihaspati Mantras

In the higher sense Jupiter is the divine grace, which can fulfill all of our needs without our seeking. He gives religious merit and spiritual beneficence. The other most important aspect of Jupiter is that he gives us true knowledge and wisdom as opposed to information based intelligence, which is the function of Mercury.
The power of Mantras & Shlokas has been acknowledged since time immemorial. A Mantra can consist of a powerful word or a combination of words and can be used for self realization, for freedom from worries, to fulfill one's desires, to ward off the effects of malefic planets, to bring you success, peace and contentment -- the range is truly vast. You can choose for yourself.
The following is the special name (nama) mantra for the Jupiter as preceded by it's Shakti or power mantra. It can be used to connect with the planetary deity and to energize all the higher powers of the Jupiter. 

"Om Strim brahm brihaspataye Namah"
The word 'Strim' in above mantra denotes Starana Shakti, the power of expanding, unfolding, blossoming and evolving. (The word 'Strim' should be pronounced as 'Streem'.)
The following mantras are also considered very good for planet Jupiter. You may opt to recite one of the following mantra if you find it comparatively easy to remember.

"Om graam greem graum sah brihasptaye namah"

"Om vrim brihaspataye namah"

Gayatri Mantra for Jupiter:
"Om Suraachaarya Vidmahe, Surasreshtaya dhimahi, tanno guruh prachodayat"
This Gayatri mantra consists of three parts. The first is the chants to the Jupiter. The second is the mantra proper. The third is a summary of the mantra's energies.
The Gayatri mantra is chanted at sunrise, noon and sunset. At dawn it is called Gayatri, the youthful form of the Goddess, consort of Lord brahma, the creator. It is called Savitri, the mature form, at noon, the consort
of Lord Shiva. It is called Sarasvati, the elderly form, at sunset, the consort of Lord Vishnu.
You may also opt to chant following Puranic mantra for propiating the Jupiter (19,00 times).

Devanam ca rishinam gurun kanchana-sannibhham
buddhi-bhutam tri-lokesham tam namami brihaspatim

When translated in English, it means:

"I bow down to brihaspati, god of the planet Jupiter. He is the spiritual master of all the demigods and sages. His complexion is golden, and he is full of intelligence. He is the controlling lord of all three worlds."
Mantras must be chanted or recited with unwavering devotion and motivation. Chanting them as a matter-of-course deprives them of power and is practically useless from the point of view of conscious growth, evolution and effect.


  1. Good Information About Brihaspathi,Thanks to Blogger

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  2. Good Information About Brihaspathi,Thanks to Blogger

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